Gastric (stomach) Cancer

Gastric (stomach) Cancer
Videos and Resources


Gastric Cancer Overview - Mayo Clinic
Source: Mayo Clinic
How do Cancer cells behave differently from healthy ones?
Source: TEDed

Diagnostics Tests For Gastric Cancer

CT Scan
Source: Covenant Health
How Does a PET Scan Work?
Source: NIBIB gov

Additional Videos about Testing

Barium Swallow Exam
Source: Bastian Medical Media
Diagnosis and Detection of Stomach Cancer
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Treatment Of Gastric Cancer

Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Surgery
Source: Mount Sinai Health System
What is Chemotherapy?
Source: Covenant Health
What is cancer radiotherapy?
Source: Cancer Research UK
Radiation Therapy: What to Expect
Source: Accelerated Education Program
Palliative Care
Source: Get Palliative Care
What are Clinical Trials
Source: Cancer Research UK